Dunaj & Morava

Today’s main activity was to visit the castle at Devín. 

It lies 10 km west of Bratislava where the Morava joins the Danube (or Dunaj or Donau, according to preference). It was a fun excursion out of the city. Austria lies on the other side of each river.  

I took the city bus (there is a boat service too) for the 20 minute journey. They have impressive acceleration and braking. I was almost catapulted out of the back window as I validated my ticket. Public transport is always a bit of an adventure in new places. 

Lunch was a highlight - schnitzel with potato salad, plus a glass of local (Modrá) red wine, at the gastropub underneath the castle. It has been so long since I had good schnitzel and potato salad. Hours later I was not even vaguely hungry. Slovak portions.   

My Blip is one of the castle views. The Extra is a memorial to the 400 (approx.) locals who were shot while trying to swim to freedom during the Iron Curtain years. 

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