The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Through the boundary

We went to some Open Studios today, as part of the Select Art trails. I was impressed by one of the artists at Halliday's Mill, Maggie Smith, and contemplated buying one of her prints of woodland scenes, but I'm holding back because Amanda Bradbury is exhibiting next month as part of another festival, and I already have one of hers, might like another. In any case, a print would need framing. And a wall.

This print above is by Carol Honess. I'm annoyed that I've cut off the top of the bracken, but enjoyed the transformation from one world to another, as the creature moves from fantasy to reality. That is how Carol described it to me.

Today being Sunday and my free day, the rain was tipping down! We scurried from one old mill or factory to another, dodging the showers. When we got home, I had a quick bowl of soup before I headed out again with my Sunday gang to an afternoon concert in Nailsworth. Superb piano work on the Mozart, but I could not see the pianist, let alone his hands. Tea followed in the hall, always a treat. Then home, and a wee rest that lasted several hours. Truth be told, I'm so tired that I could have spent the whole day in bed.

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