The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


A whirlwind of a day. My laptop is fixed, I can fly on it! or at least send emails and use Microsoft products.
My last phone call took me through to 5.30. I raced home, where CS had prepared supper for me.

I was still eating it when there was a knock on the door. It was my lift, to a place on the other side of Gloucester where I had agreed to life model. We had a glorious sunny evening ride over to the centre, which is a large hall set in extensive grounds. From the education room I could see pheasants and rabbits strutting and hopping in the meadow.

The class was easy. I had not modelled for years, but it seems to be like riding a bicycle, the body memory remains intact. I even had a micro sleep during a longer pose.

We left at 9.30 and I was home by 10.10. Just time to watch another episode of The Shining Girls. It's scaring the living daylights out of me..

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