The Mono Monday theme today is "The Wind in the Willows" . Here you can see a Rolls Royce - Mr Toads chosen form of transport.  A quote from Mr Toad............. “Glorious, stirring sight! The poetry of motion! The real way to travel! The only way to travel! Here today—in next week tomorrow! Villages skipped, towns and cities jumped—always somebody else’s horizon! O bliss! O poop-poop! O my! O my!”  Thanks to FrankS for hosting.

Had a good nights sleep and slept late.  Didn't get up till around 3pm.  Felt better today.  Not 100% but much better than yesterday.  Still feel tired with little appetite but at least I don't ache all over today.

Decided to stay at home and have a quiet day. Didn't need any shopping after the Asda order was delivered yesterday. Did some chores that needed doing but I've mostly just relaxed on the sofa.

Steps today - 3,084

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