An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Hip to be square...

The roofers were hammering on the roof just above my head by 8am so thoughts of sleeping in were abandoned.  

David was supposed to be playing golf with his pal Keith this afternoon but the weather forecast wasn't great so they brought it forward to this morning.  Smart move as they'd just returned early afternoon and we were drinking coffee in the kitchen when the heavens opened.

We are thinking of going to Ireland on holiday next year, somewhere between Galway and Limerick.  Keith has spent a lot of time in Ireland on business and on holiday so we were picking his brains.  

When Patricia was here last week we were discussing holidaying in Ireland with her too, as she has travelled and holidayed there.  Between her account of the area and Keith's, we are very keen to go so will begin the search for holiday accommodation next week.  Good to plan ahead and have something to look forward to :-))

David had some errands in Perth so while he headed out I went to the studio to get some ideas down for the painting my friend has asked me to create as an 18th birthday gift for her daughter's best friend.  It involves dragons, Dr Who, balloons, pocket watches, planets and rugby to name a few!  

I got all the info from her almost two weeks ago and have been letting it percolate in my subconscious ever since, hoping when I sat down with a blank piece of paper, the plan for the painting would emerge almost fully formed and, I am relieved to say, that's exactly what happened.  

I sent her a copy of my initial sketch and she's over the moon with it.  Phew!  :-)  I've added a couple of things that personalise it further and will transfer my ideas sketch to watercolour paper tomorrow then decide which colours I am using.  I suspect it will be Sunday or Monday before I begin putting paint to paper and I'm looking forward to it.  

Planned time in the garden was cut short by the rain so I spent a little time doing something I haven't done in a while....crochet.  This blanket for the garden room is taking ages so my aim over the the next couple of weeks is to try and make a minimum of two granny squares a day.  Surely that's achievable? :-)

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