Cheap & Cheerful

Miles Davis - Jeru

Clearly an unflatering picture of me, but I was as high as a kite. I believe it was having won a point with my then partner Odofuran who is solid with words. I'm more of the gesture kinda guy and not really the best partner for Cranium or Taboo. :P

A simple night of games and wine amongst close friends. Conversations were meaningful, fun but most importantly, more than worthwhile. It's overwhelming to know how many good friends you have met over time and even more overwhelming to know how tricky it is to try and meet with them as much as possible. Commitments, work, responsibilities, all laced with the problem of lathargy make the weight of carrying "friendship" seem a little overbearing at times. However, a small taste of the package is a constant reminder of how good it all is. The release felt knowing that such people are in your lives makes every step a pleasure.

Sometimes I truly wish I could be with all my true friends at all times at a simple press of a button. I know that such things are impossible and being able to conjure them up to my location or vice versa is sometimes an obstruction that only solidifies its exclusivity. It's sad to think about but I'll just be looking forward to the future when I meet them all again.

I hate not asking my friends questions about them. It seems that I always forget to do so, being so caught up in my own selfishness. Golden Week is coming up and I haven't even asked a single question about my friends' plans. Terrible. I think it's none of my business, but part of me wants to see my friends just talk about themselves. It's a pleasure but maybe subconsciously I don't ask because it'd hurt too much to know what their doing while I'm busy doing something else. I suppose these questions are forgotten due to the moment. Especially when you're trying to tell your friend a keyword without using it (and a handful of others) in an intense game of Taboo.

To my friends, you know who you are, I love you so much. Cheers, M for the photo.

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