Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Yard Bird #22

Figured it was time add a blue jay to this year's yardbird visual list. They are regular visitors in our garden daily, although different individuals are here at different times during the year.  Blue Jays are nomadic creatures, going wherever the food is good.  Right now there are 3-4 jays who are apparently used to humans because 1) they recognize peanuts instantly, and 2) approach within a few feet to grab one.  This one was fluffed up for a moment as he waited to see if I'd put more peanuts out (I did).  Although the light was harsh, I rather like the tones of this.  

It's been a blissfully uneventful day so far - meaning no bear sightings.  Yesterday with two was a bit much so I'm happy to have a few days with none.  I am also not keeping any feeders out right now.  I scattered some seeds when I was out on the deck for a few hours this morning, but no feeders unless I am there to supervise.  I'm sure the bears will come around again but hopefully if they find no feeders they will move on.  

Jax's eye was goopy again yesterday so we've been putting the drops in, which takes both of us since he doesn't like it.  The eye looks fine today.  I think it is probably allergies.  He's half pit bull terrier and they are a breed that is prone to allergies so it would make sense.  

My friend from the farm stopped by today with some fresh asparagus - the last of the season.  Her husband has covid so they are staying in separate areas of the farm until he clears the virus.  Just the same, she wore a mask when she stopped by.  And luckily her husband was able to get on antiviral meds right away so he's feeling much better than the first day.  The world we live in.  But thank goodness for people like Barb and her hubby who actually care enough about those around them not to spread the disease.  

Haven't made the dark decision today but maybe something with sea salt...


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