Capital adventures

By marchmont

Chilled out Friday

Text last night saying pool was shut, pump issues I think. That meant a long lie but I woke at 3 having been in bed at 9 last night. Couldn't get back to sleep. Answered an email about something I initiated ages ago.

Once up chatted to J & D before they headed to Fife. Outside it was cool, wet and windy. 

I had my follow up Lorna podcast interview and then a phone call with Y. They are booked in for Wednesday night.

Message from L which led to a long afternoon of coffee and chat in her summerhouse. I also returned everything that arrived the other day.

And my results are in so some homework will have to be done there. 

A quiet evening as it was still unseasonal, showery and windy. Watched past night's WDYTYA. Fascinating and quite sad. 

And then in bed early, again. Is this a new habit? 

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