Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Stacked cats

I went to fetch a trug from in the polytunnel today, and found these two.  When I first saw them, they were each lying on a shelf.  Anyone would think this was their garden!  By the time I had fetched my camera and W ("you have to come and see this") Winnie (seen here in the tree) had roused herself, though Ozzie was still totally laid back.  Shortly after this, Winnie left through the hole in the netting on the back door of the polytunnel.

I was fetching a trug in order to do a little weeding - just a bit of weeding and clearing of the boulder bed.  Before that, I had added a couple of newly advertised houses to our map and list - W has subsequently sorted the list a bit.

After the weeding, I've spent much of the rest of the day in the studio, doing some more bits of the cranky quilt

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