Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

A mini Blipmeet

Today I met Jan (JamJar) and her friend, Steve. I walked with them on the first 5.5 miles of their 14.5 mile walk from Brocolitia to East Wallhouses on Hadrian's Wall Trail.

It was raining first thing, but gradually the rain stopped, then started again and so on. It was very humid and too warm for waterproofs really.

Here is Jan at the trig point near Limestone Corner. It's exactly 3 miles from my house. We took the alternative route through Humshaugh village, calling at home for more water supplies. I left them on Chollerford Bridge, not long before their only significant climb of the day!

I love meeting fellow Blippers. Both Jan and Steve are interested in birds and wild flowers so that made a pleasant change from some of my walks!!

I'm hoping they had lots of good food tonight at The Robin Hood.

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