
...Inventory Management System....

One can learn a lot from Toyota..they sure had some good ideas back in the 70's....like have your supplies delivered not before you need them and definitely not after you needed them, but just when you need them! Cuts down on storage costs..Clever, nest-ce pas?...unless, of course, there is a breakdown in the supply chain somewhere... then it all falls apart! BUT, so far, Amazon has not let me down..no interruption in that supply chain .

Today I finished that LJ Ross book I blipped yesterday...and I knew I would, so I had ordered the next batch in the series to arrive just-in-time..and voila! they did..an hour ago! How's that for clever planning? No interruption in the reading process! Tonight I will start the next book in the series, thanks to Toyota! 

Oh yes, and a new bird feeder also arrived in the same delivery, but alas..it was two days late..Mea culpa...the one deteriorating bird feeder surprised me and bit the dust earlier than expected..and so I was caught off guard..Unfortunately, there was a slight interruption in my bird-feeding service but the birds seem to have managed just fine despite that...whew! No harm done. Tomorrow, full service will return. 

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