Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Playing around

I recently got a Raynox150 to use on my macro lens and decided that today would be a good day to work on my technique.  I will say that getting the focus distance is a little challenging because the focal range is extremely small.  Using a monopod definitely helped; a tripod would probably be even better.  Along with the lens, I also used a new diffuser with flash.  I was quite pleased with the flash results - the diffuser did exactly what was needed and evened out the light.  Big thanks to Draco for giving me some great info on the Raynos lens!

The subject today is a small beetle that feeds almost exclusively on Amaranth, which I have in abundance.  The beetle has the unlikely name of Pigweed Flea Beetle. I'm sure there is a logical explanation for this, but I can't tell you what it is.  In any event, the beetle is about 1/4 to 1/3 inch long, making it an ideal subject for macro.  The only challenge is that it liked to zip around to the other side of the leaf every time I got the lens close enough to shoot.  

The bluebirds have started a second nest in my garden box, where they raised their first brood.  This is the same pair that successfully fledged 4 young about a month ago.  I had the wonderful experience of seeing both parents and all 4 youngsters perched around the nest box 3 nights ago - it was heartwarming to know that all 4 had survived, beating the usual odds.  What I am now wondering is if the first brood will help tend the second - wouldn't that be something to see?  Fingers crossed.  For now, I'm just thrilled that I will, once again, have a front row seat.

We made an appointment for Jax to see the vet on Sunday.  He's been sneezing like crazy for several days and I'm concerned that he may have something in his nose, or a cold, or allergies...or something.  He seems to feel fine - no lack of gamesmanship, appetite voracious, and willingness to bark ferociously at anything with 4 legs (from chipmunks to bears).  Oh, and he was also on the hunt for a cave cricket this morning.  So I am probably overreacting, but better safe.  And we are on the waitlist for an earlier cancellation.

I think dark with orange today.


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