Herring Gull

What is this monster doing? It can't be nest building at this time of year though that's how it looks.

We are plagued by urban gulls. I know that they're protected, as are their nests and chicks, but honestly they are a menace. Stirling is not on the coast! These gulls belong at the seaside!

I was pottering about the garden at a very early hour. Both sets of next door neighbours are away so I am indulging myself by being in the garden as early as I like. Not that my neighbours would mind, or even notice, but I feel it doesn't do to advertise such eccentric behaviour. Anyway I was minding my own business dead heading flowers and such like when there was a tremendous clatter on the roof of the garden shelter. I decided to make it my blip.

The girls were on top form yesterday and spent the day in a whirlwind of activity. Great fun. The seven year old came next door with me to water my neighbour's garden. She dug some tatties and picked pea pods. When we came back I boiled the potatoes and she made a salad with them, peas, a couple of ripe tomatoes she found on my plants and some cucumber. All very worthy. Then she made a concoction with large and mini marshmallows, melted chocolate and jelly babies. So take your pick of the food on offer!

Far too early a start this morning. I have a session with the hairdresser this morning (hooray) then the day is my own. I hope the weather is going to hold.

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