Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Motion Blur

It's not even noon and I already have a dozen photos that I'm quite pleased with, mostly of butterflies and monarch cats.  But this's the one.  It is generally accepted practice that hummingbirds must always be photographed with the highest possible shutter speed as it is the only way you have any hope at all of showing any wing detail.  And that is usually what I do.  However, I had the camera set for some butterflies that were perching and didn't have time to change settings when this slightly worn female zoomed through the garden.  She hovered for a moment and this is what I got.  And you know what?  I rather like that her wings being so blurred while her head is sharp.  It gives you a sense of the speed of her wings, I think.  Anyway, the fun of photography is that you don't always have to follow the "rules".  Hope you like it.

Although it is cooler than yesterday, it seems to be more humid and it was getting quite hot out in the garden under the blazing sun.  I've retreated indoors with my faithful companion - he's dreaming puppy dreams while I sit here and work on my Mac.  I'm hoping for some clouds to move in which may give me some more interesting photo ops.  

Funny Jax story...we were just clearing the table after dinner last night and I happened to mention to hubs that we hadn't seen any bears since we've been back.  And as soon as the word "bears" was out of my mouth, Jax raced to the back window, growling.  I think that dog actually recognizes the word "bear" which is kind of amazing.  And which also makes me certain that he knows "sit" and "come" and simply chooses to selectively ignore both!  This morning when I took him out for a quick walk, he spotted a ginger cat that hangs around the Lane (and looks just like our Charlie) and he went after it, yanking the leash right out of my hand.  Me yelling "no" and "leave it" all to no avail.  Of course, the cat was instantly gone and Jax then came trotting back looking like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.  No treats for him.  The little shit.

In monarch news ... I now have 7 chrysalids in one enclosure - all from fifth instar cats that I took from the garden.  I've already found two more chrysalids on the side of the house and the back door frame.  Leaving both where they are.  In a second enclosure are some eggs and some first and second instar cats that I've taken to rear in safety.   And so it begins...

I think maybe dark with dried cherries today if I have any.  


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