Cat Crochet Class

Grace is home this weekend and it has been lovely to hang out with her today and do hobbies and chat. Sophia has taught Grace to crochet - Minstrel would like to learn too! This is the start of a picnic blanket that Grace is making. 

The photo is skew whiff but I didn't want to straighten it and chop off some of Minstrel's ear! The camera can lie - he looks like a much larger cat than he is, and with longer ears! I'll include an extra of Grace deep in concentration before Minstrel decided to involve himself!

Work was "OK" last night in some ways - we were very busy which was good and helped time pass. Once again though certain individuals were quite hard to work with.

I need a new phone and a new laptop, as mine are both not performing as they should and are falling victim to the built-in obsolescence that keeps the likes of me buying new stuff just so that they do the things they are meant to do, like show images on screen or work with the data allowances that are part of the contract instead of having to be within reach of a usable WIFI signal!  I'm reluctant to part with large sums of money at a time when every time I'm at work I am thinking that this will be the night I hand my notice in at least once!

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