Comfy cat

I do not know why Willow wants to sleep curled up on my sewing bag, but she does!

I had a really bad night's non -sleep.  Was it the oysters?  Who knows?  That and the weather, rain and cloud, scuppered today's plans so I had a quiet day at home.  

It did mean I had time to focus on deciding what I am wearing at the wedding in a fortnight.  There was much on and off of shoes and handbags.  I have such a collection in the back of the wardrobe.  I must tidy. 

After the fun of that I went to Cameron Toll, partly to see if Timpson's could do anything to enhance the old, but lovely, sandals I plan to wear.  It was a negative answer but I did get some suggestions.  After a minor bit of grocery shopping I went to the Manor and saw Mum who is well.

A quiet, boring night in.  I am still caught up in my Oz series.  Netflix are saying it is only available till the end of the month.  I'm midway through series 3, 4 more series to go!

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