A corner of my (soon to be vacated) office

I had three meetings on campus today: in-person PhD reviews with Rachel and Marina, their supervision teams, and panel chairs (all going well); and a Teams meeting with our colleague at the BBC Archive to confirm details of our panel at the BBC at 100 Symposium next week.

Also today I started the process of clearing my office. I offered Frances 'first dibs' on (most of) my book collection, and ordered ten packing boxes from Facilities. I plan to find a way to display my Smiths poster* in my shed. I couldn't possibly part with it: it's been on display in all offices that I have ever occupied since the early 1990s. I'm not sure of the final destination of my flag.

My other main task of the day was short-listing.

Mr hazelh and I held a 'games night for two' this evening. He won Azul, and I Carcassonne.

*fans will get it.

Exercise today: walking (18,517 steps).

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