The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Not again!

Various things happened today. On the way to town, in a narrow lane, I noticed a pair of feet sticking out into the road. I recognised them as belonging to a man from our road, who has health problems and drinking problems. It was a cold morning, so I couldn't leave him.lying there. I know from experience that I can't escort him home single handed, so I ended up calling an ambulance and Steve. Steve arrived first. I was on the phone for ages to the ambulance person, who seemed to be giving me advice aimed at supporting a person having a tonic-clonic epileptic seizure. In fact the man was lying on the ground next to a sub-power station, swearing at me. Removing dangerous objects such as the sub-power station was clearly out of the question.

...When the first ambulance came, I left, and so did CleanSteve, because I had his car key and he'd had to leave our front door unlocked! Walked downtown, failed to get a battery for Steve's car key but succeeded in other missions. Had lunch at a new drop in cafe at the Trinity Rooms, meeting by chance with a person I've been emailing for weeks! We talked about dementia. He wants to help build a dementia-friendly.society. What's not to like?

Came home and carried out a few tasks, but the main event was always going to be the cafe meet-up in honour of our dear departed friend GS. Sixteen people came, despite the strong winds and showers. The eldest attendee was brought from his care home in Nailsworth, which he had not left AT ALL for TWO YEARS! Sorry about the shouting, but pre-pandemic, this guy was active, a snappy dresser, and would walk into Stroud centre from several miles away, sometimes with a carer. He was vent double back then, but now he is at Shakespeare's seventh stage of man. We all had tea and fabulous cakes, and those who wanted to say something about GS did so, and many words and memories were shared. We also talked about going on some group outings next year, if circumstances permit.

When we returned to the house, we put on the central heating for the first time. I cooked supper. Watched TV, chatted to TML in Bahrain about the latest developments  in our mother's new place in Argyll.

Our cat Indie then climbed to the top of the chest and got stuck. She wouldn't let me near her to rescue her. After about three quarters of ab hour I hit on the idea of standing on a chair, putting her travel cage on top of the cabinet, and encouraging her in. I then had to lift the box down with its bow door open, and hope that she wouldn't reverse out in mid-air! She's a silly girl sometimes.

No pictures were taken at the tea party. I think that's ok. That's why you have this postage stamp-sized shot of Indie.

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