An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

These boots are made for posing...


Because let's face it, I won't be doing much walking in them!  lol

Still giddy by the fact I don't have to wear my orthopaedic clodhoppers whilst in my wheels and can wear normal footwear for the first time in 20 odd years, I have added a pair of winter boots to my collection!  Woo hoo! :-)

D did need to give me a hand to get them on (I am so out of practice) but once on, oh my!  They are so cosy.  I didn't want to take them off but my feet were getting a tad warm so reluctantly I did!   After 20 years of having no more than two pairs of (NHS) shoes to my name, I now have nine pairs of shoes and a pair of boots!  Imelda Marcos eat your heart out!  hahahaha!

My cold is slightly better.  Still can't talk for any length of time without triggering a coughing fit.  David is very sad about that ;-). 

Met a prospective candidate for joining Alan's team this afternoon.  He came across as a very caring young man.  He has care experience and was very easy going.  Married with a young family and lives not too far away.  We were impressed by him.  Alan was also happy to meet him and gave a very positive response when asked about him afterwards.  Planning to offer him the post then if he accepts Jordan will have the task of fitting his availability to Alan's rota.  But so far so good.

Started watching Karen Pirie, the ITV Scottish police drama set in St Andrews.  Excellent viewing!  Ended up watching the second episode (each episode is two hours long!) as we enjoyed it so much.  Have saved the third and final episode for tomorrow evening.  Catch it if you can.

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