Heffalumps?...Or Woozles?

Not many blippertunities as we went for lunch about an hour west of Toronto to meet Son#1's father-in-law for the first time: we met halfway between here and his house. We all ate too much...burger then pecan pie was too strong a temptation! I grabbed this shot of footprints outside the restaurant as we left.

Now for the results of October's Silly Saturday. Thanks once again to everyone who tagged blips for the challenge. My Editor and I had some super chuckles as we looked through them to choose our Hearts and HMs - it wasn't an easy task to decide between them, they were all great fun! Admirer would have loved them all.
Anyway these are those we settled on in the end.
Hearts (in no particular order|):
Jeanneb53 - "Chilled" - a fridge that thinks it's a car!
Carol Dunham - A Drunken Sailor
Serious Frolic - A Useless Doorway
Dollydoug - Cock Flavour Soup
Corinthian - Walking Football
And HMs:
59 - A Crazy Pumpkin Hat
Freuchie - Grinning Olaf the Dog
Isbi - Whoops! - Poor Graham!
Flossmo - The Morning After: A Zany Scarecrow Collection
Irish59 - A Crazy Squirrel Pose

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