A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Sparkly horses

Another sparkling blue sky start to the day.

I had arranged to see my friend at Woodbank garden centre on the edge of the village for a coffee this morning so that she didn’t have to negotiate the 4 way traffic lights that a currently blighting the centre of our village.

I walked past this field which always has horses, they seemed to be almost lit up by the sun as they grazed in the field. In the bottom shot you can see across our estate in amongst the trees and up to the neighbouring village of Wilsden.

I walked back to join the book group in the Congregational church at 12.00, when I left to walk home with my neighbour an hour later it was raining. Rushed out to bring the towels in and then headed down to the Malt Shovel to join friends for a late lunch to celebrate A’s birthday. A special one as she now gets her pension and her bus pass, she’s had a long wait!

Heavy rain whilst in there but fine for the walk down and back.

A full day to start the weekend, have a good one everybody.

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