The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Autumn at the Castle, Stroud

Day 1 back at home. 
Woke up and realised that I'd have to go downstairs to boil a kettle and make a cup of tea. Downstairs, no one was cooking breakfast for me. Hello, reality!

Various things needed to be done before I went out. CleanSteve has been Not Very Well for days, so he took a CoVid test, which showed negative, thank goodness. Then I ordered some more tests...

I had to go down to town to help at a CoVid clinic at the central surgery. Fortunately, we are now checking in patients INSIDE the surgery this year, in the waiting room, and giving the jabs in consulting rooms. There is no waiting period after the vaccine. This makes it easier to process the large number of patients. I.also found it helpful when patients turned up at their allocated time, because this way,  the paperwork is easier to deal with. We all had a bit of a laugh in the end, and there is still a lot of gratitude  towardsthe vaccination teams. As a bonus, I got a shot in each arm (flu and CoVid) before I left. I can feel the tenderness in my right arm, but at least I've got both jabs done without having to go somewhere out of the way. 

Walked home via the Castle in Castle Street, Stroud. It isn't really a castle, and the house has now been divided into flats. It's yet another building I've be er been inside.

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