Fabulous night's sleep - feeling quite a lot better today and I'm eating again now, but taking it steady.

We popped up to the South Stack Lighthouse and to the RNIB Information Centre there. This bought back so many memories.  As a schoolgirl we came here on a school trip - the lighthouse was still occcupied and working in those days.  I remember we were given a demonstration on how loud the fog horn was, but we all had to stand in a specific place because of the loudness  of the fog horn!!  I also wrote a poem of the visit, which my teacher loved and they published it in the school magazine and I wond a prize of two special poetry books for it with specIal stickers on the inside about it.  I leant those two books to a teacher (can't remember which one) and never ever saw them again!!!   I so wish I had that poem now.  It wouldn't have been very good as I was about 11 when I wrote it - but the school liked it.

Not much bird activity today but we did see some choughs and of course some small birds.

After this we went on down onto the Prom at Holiday for a stroll, visited the RNLI shop (one of my hubby's favourite charities) took some photos and then came back to the bungalow as I could feel I'd had enough by then.

If you want to see my last two days adventures please press the links below:-
14th October
15th October

When I get the opportunity I will put together some collages of the visits.

Do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.

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