If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Pedunculate Oak ( Quercus robur )

One thing we learned very early in our boating experience was when boating in autumn don't tie up under an oak tree.  All night long there are knocks on the roof from falling acorns!  Where we go boating the dominant native Oak is the Pedunculate Oak, also known as the English Oak.  Up here in the Lakes the predominant Native Oak is the Sessile or Durmast Oak.

This shot clearly shows a Pedunculate Oak and why it is so called.  The Acorn is carried on a peduncle, the short stem between the twig and the acorn.  For comparison, the Sessile Oak has no peduncle and the acorns are carried attached directly to the twig.

Strangely the Pedunculate Oak will be attacked by Oak Rolle Moth catterpillars yet a Sessile Oak growing nearby will remain intouched.

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