Windmill 'De Rietvink', Nijetrijne

'Rietvink' sounds like a bird sort = 'reed finch'.
Originally, it had no name but was simply referred to as Windmill Nr. 1 in a series of six.    This is Nr. 5 =
Windmills 2, 3, 4, and 6 are gone.  They are costly to maintain, and their value can go down despite the invaluable work they have done and still do.  A large factor is maintenance, another is relevance.  The Rietvink is now owned by a foundation especially set up for it, and a couple who own a B&B nearby help maintain it.

The Veendike is well and truly only a footpath and the windmill was facing the B&B when I got there, so my shot from the path was not optimal.  There's an extra.  

One needs a beautiful day for such a long trip and the weather did not disappoint.  First, however, there was the doctor's appointment and its consequences -- a long shower using anti-lice shampoo and a special comb to weed out the tiny corpses.  I really took my time and my hair was a total mess, but it was all worth the effort.  The combing gave me such a relief.  At the clinic, I had jokingly suggested flea powder, and the doctor said that it wasn't a bad idea, actually, but my hair is too thick for powder.  Anyway, AW and I both wondered where I got it, and he decided to use the shampoo as well, et voila!  Not as much as I had, but he had some, too.  And now he doesn't know where he got it.  Apparently, though, the critters found my hair nicer to nest in.  I'll need to use the comb daily for the next two weeks, and shampoo again if needed.

Catching up with my postings... and, of course, after 300 comes 301.

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