
Walked into Tabou for breakfast - usual coffee and croissants. The place was buzzing at 10:15! So busy. I love the ambiance of this place. It’s owned by two Polish lads and the food is very good. In the morning they have the French music playing, lots of chatter and the smell of freshly made pastries and coffee is in the air. Lovely.

We got mums shopping and walked over the bridge to her place. She was lying on the bed asleep as she had not slept much last night. she got up though and was fine.

Walked home and then a video from Ben of a bunch of lunatic anti vaxxers parading around the shopping centre and the High Street. In the video I saw one of the placards saying HIV is a scam! I looked it up and it seems this is a think that many people including those in SA where it’s rampaging through the population, strongly believe. They were probably heading to the Vaccine Centre and if so then the police will be called as they have a zero tolerance approach especially if they hassle the staff.

The rowan tree outside the kitchen window has been stripped of the berries. Saw these handsome and unusual birds yesterday, a flock of them, and looked them up and they are Redwings! Never seen them before but very good at stripping the berries. mr and Mrs B weren’t that happy sharing their tree and garden with the interlopers! We also saw some goldfinches. Very entertaining watching them.

A quiet evening, watching Strictly but not really into all the Halloween dress up dancing.

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