Robin Bathing

If you want to attract little  birds to your garden something you should do is keep a bird bath clean and filled with fresh water. I took my own advice today and quite quickly this robin showed up for a splash about. I can't say it looks terribly happy but it stayed for a good wash.

Had a decent walk this morning and saw a buzzard soaring above the fields. Too far away for a  blip though. A very mild, almost warm morning and now it's a wet afternoon. To make use of the extra hour I'll go out again soon and try to get a bit done in the garden. Hope the rain goes off soon.

Had a great party yesterday with two little witches and a pirate. Our daughter had decorated her flat spookily and got some games for the wee ones to play. We ate very well and the ghostly biscuits were OK. Good fun.

It'll be dark by 5pm today. Jings!

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