Ice on the Slough

Winter has come to
call with icy fingers and
breath to freeze one's bones


I dawdled this morning, not really wanting to step out into the first sample of winter. No snow for breakfast, but we're told it's coming....perhaps by mid afternoon. My mountains held up a bleary sky with just a peek of light piercing through beside them. My first shot from my deck at 8:30 was a quick one. 

I drove off to McArthur Island before 9. I parked near the foot bridge and found lots of mallard ducks all around. It was a calm morning. I could see ice had formed at the edges of the slough. I walked onto the bridge to have a look into the slough and watch the ducks in action. They were navigating around a girl's little bicycle that had been tossed into the slough. Who does that? I didn't stay long as I definitely needed another layer on this morning. 

I drove on to the the west side of the park where I could see five deer at the far edge of a playing field. I was not walking there to get them. They will wait for another day. 

Two teams of young men were on the middle fields. They were dressed in soccer gear and were running drills. It was a crisp -6 C at that point. I can't believe it's a good thing to be drawing cold air into your lungs while exercising. 

I drove on to find some breakfast, then headed home. I'm in for the day. There's a used book and music sale coming up soon. Perhaps I can find some  books and/or music CDs to benefit our local symphony. 

The forecast is for a cloudy day with a high of 1 C and snow beginning in the afternoon. Oh, goody! I can hardly wait!

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