By The River

BB had a hospital appointment this morning, so we both did covid tests.  Both were negative.  If there was any doubt about mine yesterday, there was none today, with not even the hint of a faint line.  Thankfully his appointment was just at our local hospital.  It was all very efficient and he was taken quite quickly, so no real hanging around.  I then walked down the road with him and he headed off to school and I walked home.    I am definitely feeling a bit better again today, so as it was such a lovely morning, I walked down to the river and then to the supermarket.  Normally I would have walked around by the river, but I didn’t want to “run before I can walk”!
I picked up some lunch and came home and did wordle in two – which felt like a positive sign! After lunch I retreated to the sofa.  BB appeared home with his school report  It is mostly very good, but there is one area which I have been nagging him about – and I am pleased to see that his teacher says exactly what I have been saying.  Maybe he will listen to her!

We watched the first episode of Breaking Bad – at his request.  I have watched it before. I could remember the gist of it, but not the detail.  I then baked some chocolate chip muffins before cooking tea.  it was then back to the sofa.  I am psyching myself up for work tomorrow.
It felt like ages since I had been down to the river.

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