
Val and I managed a short walk this morning, down to Weston Park Museum.  We scooted around the little park and then retreated into the cafe for hot drinks and cakes.  Both of us wrapped up head to foot in waterproof gear... normally that would be a bit over the top for a city stroll, but not today.
Later I drove across town to meet Frieda from preschool.  Although I've tarted up the image a bit with some added gloom from the Distressed FX app, the basic image was a deep, wet November grey to start with :-)

Fortunately Jack had taken Frieda to preschool in the morning in a waterproof suit and a waterproof jacket on top - plus wellies - so no problem there. We splashed our way out of preschool, back to the car, and then home.   Reflecting that at least the depleted local reservoirs should start to look in better shape soon.

And of course, another day, another Tory budget. This one - having nicked a few Labour policies - was not as bad as I had expected. But the tunnel is not leading towards any light just now.

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