An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Mother Nature's Christmas Tree...

No matter how many twinkling lights, fancy decorations, candy canes etc etc we put on Christmas trees, we will never beat the beauty of Mother Nature :-)

We haven't had any more snow since the slight fall in the early hours of Sunday morning but it's so cold that the ice that's formed on top makes it look as though someone has sprinkled silver glitter all over it.  Beautiful to look at from the comfort of a warm room.  I really feel for the poor Shetlanders who are suffering a power outage that is being said will last at least three days!  In these minus temperatures!  I really hope they can get the power back sooner than that.  I feel for the poor people trying to get it fixed too!  What a dangerous and difficult job.

Did a little happy dance earlier as I can now say that I have officially finished my Christmas shopping!  Hoping the last bits and bobs will get here in time otherwise some people will be getting IOUs in festive envelopes!    I have emailed David a list of things (if it's in his phone he can't lose it :-) that can be bought either locally or in Perth, and he will get those when he takes the car to Perth on Thursday to have the winter tyres put on (finally!) 

Tomorrow I will start wrapping, which I am hoping won't take too long as I've bought those reusable gift bags with a ribbon draw string, a real time  and hand saver.  Much less painful on my arthritic mitts!  :-))  I will have to wrap the birthday gifts though but I don't mind that (four family birthdays in December!! Telly must have been rubbish in March! :-)) 

Watched The Traitors.  Ooooo so good!  It's fascinating watching how people's minds work!  Or not work as the case may be :-)) 

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