
I finally got a call from my boss yesterday evening whilst I was in the middle of Tesco. He asked me to do every night this week. I told him that was out of the question as I was very busy, and I could only do the usual three and definitely not Christmas Eve but he persisted: "How many nights do you want? Five nights? Four nights?" I stuck to my guns - I have no choice really. So I am working tonight and he says he will tell me my other hours tonight. He probably thinks it will be easier to wear me down face-to-face but it won't on this occasion!

Grace is coming home and I would like to spend some time with her, there are things still to do for Christmas, and I'll have to go to my Dad's of course. 

My work does not close for Christmas, other than Christmas day it is business as usual. All the other staff are Muslims, though Jesus and Christianity are recognised by their faith as the Koran mentions Jesus. But I think because they know I am neither Christian nor Muslim nor any other "establishment" religion they think I will not care about Christmas at all. I do think of it more as "Yuletide" and it is traditional - it was part of my childhood and part of my family life as an adult, so it is not just "nothing" to me!

Anyway! Today I have done a few little household jobs, a bit of Christmas organising and taken photos in the park. This is a display that is in the Arboretum, in one of the trees. It's done annually by a group named William Rocks .  I've included an extra from yesterday of Minstrel showing me exactly what he thought of the penguin!

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