Tasty Treats

Work was OK last night. Most of the time while I'm doing the actual job I like it. The customers are mostly decent, I'm getting to know some of the regulars and in between times no-one minds if I do Blip Comment on my phone, which helps me keep up!

It is the disorganisation and never knowing when I will be working that I find difficult, along with never knowing when I will be paid. I was there last night, I'm off tonight and waiting to know when I will next be in. I know I am doing Friday, he knows I can't do Saturday. But he doesn't know if he wants me tomorrow or not. Sunday of course, we will be closed! I think his idea is to try to force me to do Christmas Eve or lose money this week. 

To be honest the reason I wanted Christmas Eve off was to spend time with Grace, but she has arranged to meet her friends that night so I could do it I suppose. We'll see...

My Dad was also pushing me to go over an extra day as he wants us to go visit my Mum. I might suggest going Friday and not go over Saturday since I plan to pop over for a short while Christmas morning and will be back there as normal Monday.

Christmas is super-exhausting! My workplace does not close for a week like those of the rest of my family, I'm still expected at my Dad's and there's heaps of shopping, planning, gift-wrapping etc. to do on top! I will be glad when it is all over!

Oh! And it turned out I was meant to be at the dentist today! I wrote it on the calendar and still managed to miss it! If I miss it next time I'll be fined £50!

When I arrived back into Lincoln I bought the last few things I'd missed last time, though I still need to go to town tomorrow and get some food to do a hamper for my Dad and something for my Mum too. Hopefully that will be it!

This little box of home-baked goodies is an early Christmas prezzie from Jeri. She delivered it to Brian at work this afternoon - good job his workmates didn't spot it! There's cookies, mince pies, cupcakes, brownies and fudge! Yumm!

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