The Tree

I was back to feeling weary yesterday and today I wasn’t feeling great again, but I plodded on.  I was up early, as I had to sort something out for work and send it on to a colleague in case she needed it over rhe weekend.  That was the price to pay for not being on call over the whole weekend.   Once that was all done and out of the way I went to the Farmers’ Market for some bread and picked up a few provisions from the supermarket.   There was time for a  few chores, before we three went out to get our Christmas tree.   We picked up lunch on the way back home, unloaded the tree and then packed the car up and headed off down the A1 to visit TT’s sister in Newcastle. While we have seen them and met up over the past three years, we realised that it is three year since we visited them in Newcastle.
I was so glad that TT was driving as I dozed on and off.   BB coughed away in the back and even TT realised he was feeling weary and we stopped off for him to have a wander and some fresh air.  By early evening it became apparent that we three have all got the cold – brought into the house from school.  BB said all his friends have it.
It was lovely to see everyone again and to catch up.  We went out for a meal in the evening and were joined by their grown up kids, which was really nice, as I don’t think we have seen them for three years.  We had an eventful night out.  The food was lovely, but the service was appalling.  We complained.  They weren’t happy, but did eventually give us a small reduction on the bill.  Not enough in my opinion.
When we got home we all collapsed on the sofas, watched a little bit of TV and then we all had an early night. 
Here are the boys with the chosen tree.  It was absolutely freezing, but as ever BB prefers to wear shorts whatever the weather!

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