Santa Claws Has Been, Hoomans!!

This morning , as I was eating my breakfast Minstrel realised there were toys in his stocking. They'd been in there for a couple of days but he didn't notice until today fortunately!  He didn't want to wait until lunch was cooking for his like we did! There's an extra too!

Lunch turned out OK by some miracle! I had far too much food on my plate - I had a bit of everything whereas everyone else has things they don't eat! I could not manage it all and we have not had pudding yet! It can wait until tea-time!

I have lovely presents: candles, new tablet case (Which I will blip individually because it is special!), PJ trousers, Rugby top, hot chocolate, socks, calendar, a light box for taking photos and gin! I may Blip the presents I have not drank tomorrow! There is at least one more that has not been delivered yet!

We visited my Dad's this morning. He already had enough beef for a family meal cooking in the slow cooker. I prepped some veg for him and was appalled to find he hardly had any veg in. Very unlike him. I have spares so will take some over tomorrow. 

I managed to burn my hand on kettle steam whilst making him a pot of tea but it has settled down now! 

We gave him his presents and then came home to start making our lunch.

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