Walking the Plank

This seems to be a variation of walking the plank at sunrise. His girlfriend was placed sensibly beneath him on the beach waiting to catch him should he slip. The tide was on its way out and the groyne was slippery, it would have been a shame had his natty yellow coat hit the wet sand. I didn’t hang around to see if it made it to the prom safely.

It was a very cold and icy entrance to the Forth this morning but Sue and I managed 7 minutes without seizing up. There was no swimming,  just energetic jumping up and down by me and a zone like trance by Sue. With the heater on in the car going home we warmed up nicely so it was a shock to meet the 1° air once I was decanted. 

I spent some time during the  morning sorting the extra food from yesterday into various boxes to be kept in the fridge or the freezer but I did lunch on smoked salmon and the remains of the mulled wine. Waste not ,want not.

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