I’m forever blowing……

We had a lovely afternoon and evening, drinking Prosecco and eating cheesy biscuits (so simple to make. Equal quantities of flour, butter and cheese. Blitz in the food processor to make a dough then briefly knead and roll into a sausage shape. Cling film and chill for 30 minutes before slicing and placing on a baking tray. Cook at 180 for 10 minutes. Remove from oven and enjoy!) before we sat down to eat. Smoked salmon and prawns followed by steak pie, chips and peas. White and red wine was drunk and we finished off the evening with a wee salted caramel baileys over ice.

We watched Knives out, the Glass onion and it was ok though I did struggle with Daniel Craig’s accent! We watched the BBC Scotland Hogmanay offering and enjoyed the Edinburgh fireworks from the comfort of the living room. Finally headed to bed around 1.30.

Didn’t wake till just before 9 and after a quick shower I took Phin and Scoobie round the stream. After bacon rolls we headed to the bookable dog field to meet Jenny and her dog Skye. We spent a happy hour throwing balls for them to collect and came home to have a very quiet day.

Dinner was a reprise of last night as there were many leftovers.

I’ve enjoyed a lovely hot bath and will head to bed soon.

Hope everyone had a pleasant evening yesterday and that 2023 is a good year for us all.

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