Primeval Swamp

This spot in the Black Spout Wood always feels slightly primeval to me and especially so today after all the rain and melt coming down from the hills. Conditions were muddy underfoot and the Black Spout Waterful was as full as I ever seen it. 

This scene always reminds me of a wonderful book I had as a child - a lovely colourful hardback on the early  history of the planet with the most wonderful illustrations. An early section was on the dinosaurs and I can picture one here ! Sadly I we didn't keep the book nor can I remember what it was called. 

Aside from the walk which we took after lunch, I have spent today on catching up with household tasks and personal admin.  I also tried a reading exercise from the Nat 5 in Gaelic and was able to complete it in the time allowed - it helps that dictionaries are allowed but I was pleased that I was at least familiar with grammar structures (if not completely comfortable with them). 

I also found some Cape Breton Step Dancing Tutorials - this  was brought to Nova Scotia by Gaelic speaking emigrants and has  stayed stronger there than here, although it  is gaining in popularity. My awareness was raised and interest piqued by Duolingo and its unit on Alba Nuadh, partly because I've started Scottish Country Dancing, and thought it would be interesting to learn the basics.  

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