Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

It's mine, no, it's mine!

It was another very icy day here.

I went to Hexham during the morning and had a walk on Tyne Green. There is still snow on the golf course, but the dog walkers and their dogs did not seem to mind.

I felt a bit underdressed since I had no dog with me............

These two were having a great time chasing for one manky green tennis ball. (Followers of Trixie will know what this is about!)

Their owner was limping. He fell in Waitrose and hurt his knee. One of these collies was bred on a local farm and the other is a rescue. They obviously get on very well together.

I gave him a physio recommendation before we went out separate ways.

Then to lunch with Marjorie at The Rising Sun café. We had a long chat. She is a wonderful friend. Her birthday card was handmade as usual and a simple but effective design.

Then I walked to Boots to buy Snowfire, the one really good way to deal with chapped hands and keens. They don't stock it anymore.

Then to Tesco for a few bits of shopping. The pharmacy there had no snowfire either. The pharmacist sympathised with me. "It's good stuff" he said.

I called to see Jenny and Dennis in Wall. They have decided to sell their car and it is a big and difficult step for them. I am sure they are making the right decision because is it only deteriorating as it stands beside the house.

Mum and I stared to watch an episode of Vera. It was not the one filmed in Hexham, that is yet to come, but we found that 90 minutes was too long to watch. 

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