Living my dream

By Mima

Tick, tick, tick

As I sit down this evening not only have I ticked off everything from today’s list, but the cheeses are cut and delicious. So I’m have a small celebration with a 0% alcohol beer, some crackers, chutney and a slice of Wensleydale (on the left) and Cheddar (right).

Mind you the day didn’t start auspiciously. I slipped on mud from last night’s rain while I was collecting eggs in my neighbour’s hen run. Somehow I rolled after I fell and ended up coated in a slime consisting of chookshit and mud from shin to shoulder. It was home quicksmart to strip off, chuck clothes in the machine and stand under the shower.

Most of the rest of the tasks were indoors, thanks to 10.5mm of rain falling overnight making the grass too wet to cut again. I did venture into the tunnelhouse to check the soil moisture in the raised beds: something I try to do every two or three weeks, but which I suddenly realised I’d last done in mid-December. Oops.

The combination of high temperatures and growing plants meant that it was much too dry under there. So I immediately did a major hand-water of each plant, then switched on the seeper hoses for 60 minutes on each bed. I’ll be giving them 2 hours’ worth every day now. The water pressure is quite low in that part of the property, so it seeps quite gently out of the hose.

So, back to the real triumph of the day; those cheeses. I am so excited to have succeeded to making something that looks and tastes like proper cheese. I was not at all confident as I cut them open, so imagine my delight when I saw only creamy beautifulness inside.

The Wensleydale has the flavour and texture exactly as it should. The Cheddar is more like a Cheshire, but since I love the latter I’m not complaining at all. I would like to make something more like Cheddar though, so I may try a slightly different recipe when I make the next one (tomorrow).

Bean got an accidental taste of some crumbs which hit the floor under me. The quality controller gave them the paws up.

The quality of the menus Chez Mima have just gone up a notch or two.

And it seems we have a new PM already. Assuming the Labour Caucus approve him tomorrow, it’s Chris Hipkins. I’d have picked him if I’d been asked…

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