
I had planned to get up early today, but even after my early night I did not wake very early.  I must have needed the sleep.  When I eventually got up I did a few chores and made a pot of soup for my lunches this week.  It was split pea with ginger, chilli and lime.  It tastes lovely and I would have had some for lunch, except I didn’t make a huge amount of it, which is unlike me.   I was going to make pancakes for BB, but as he didn’t get out of bed, I didn’t bother and went for a run instead.  I did the same 5k route, in the same direction as last weekend and ran all the way, including the hill.  I was quite pleased with myself and will perhaps try and run a little further next weekend.
After lunch I was trying to encourage BB to get himself ready for his DofE activity later in the afternoon.  Not much progress was being made, and with ten minutes to go I couldn’t stand it any longer so in the end I left him to get himself organised and for TT to give him a lift to school.  It was taking me back to the stress of him getting ready (or not getting ready) for his expedition last year.  TT confirmed that they were last to get there.  The group were off to do night navigation training in the Pentlands.  He returned covered in mud, but he seemed to have enjoyed it.  I went out for a walk which wasn’t very exciting, but it was nice to get out and clear my head and stretch my legs.
I then had to go and do a supermarket shop, while TT made tea.  He then disappeared to an event at church and I had peace for about an hour until BB returned home.  The evening then just disappeared.  I was getting ready for bed when Schindler’s List came on TV.  I sat and watched about forty minutes worth, but knew I couldn’t watch it all so went to bed.  However, I left BB watching it, but told him that he couldn’t stay up to watch it all.

I spotted these snowdrops and aconites under some trees this afternoon. The aconites were rather spread out, so only just got one in shot.

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