“Heavenly Bamboo”

We got up early in anticipation of our heating system’s scheduled maintenance. We were told they could arrive any time after 7:30 am. They showed up around noon and finished at 3:30. Our whole day was shot. Hubby did odd jobs, mostly helping me, feeding the birds, cleaning up after kitties, etc. I took advantage of the time by checking several boxes of Christmas lights, throwing away the few strings not fully lit. The rest will go to the thrift shop now that our trees are both pre-lit. Next project was the boxes with items I brought home from my office 20+ years ago, mostly coffee mugs. I could only bear to part with a few. The clothes we found in the attic have been folded and are ready for the thrift shop. Maybe hubby will go tomorrow. Once the techs left, we took a ride to a nearby chapel. I’d seen these shrubs from the road. I think it is quite appropriate to landscape a graveyard with “heavenly bamboo”. From what I’ve read, the berries contain a small quantity of cyanide. Birds tend to leave them alone but eating too many can kill them. This is just one cluster of a bush full of berries. Another day is done and my house is almost back in order. Maybe it will be all clean and tidy tomorrow. Hope your day was as productive. Thanks for visiting. I will try to get to your journals this evening, if I can stay awake. Be safe. “Bamboo is flexible, bending with the wind but never breaking, capable of adapting to any circumstance. It suggests resilience, meaning that we have the ability to bounce back even from the most difficult times. . . . Your ability to thrive depends, in the end, on your attitude to your life circumstances. Take everything in stride with grace, putting forth energy when it is needed, yet always staying calm inwardly.” - Ping Fu

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