Had appointments with my dentist and hygienist this afternoon.  I was originally scheduled to go last month but I was full of cold then and had to cancel.  Fortunately I was fine today.  All OK with my teeth.  Dentist took X Rays to check for any hidden problems.  Then I did a bit of shopping and before coming home popped to St Mary's Church to get my blip shot. 

The Mono Monday theme is broad/narrow.  Thanks to Pinkhairedlady for hosting.  My blip shows the narrow wooden door which leads to the steps going up to the belfry or bell tower.  Ive been through this door and up the narrow steps  - but only once.  When I was a teenager the boy who lived next door was a bell ringer and I went with him one evening to bell ringing practice. I grew up listening to the sound of the Church bells and it was fascinating to see what happens behind the scenes.  The boy next door still rings a bell as he's the Bellman ( Town Crier ) in Otely. He rings a handbell when he reads out a proclamation.

Weather today was very sunny and quite warm during daylight hours - but its turned really chilly this evening.

Steps today - 8,339

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