Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54

The Mono Monday Whisperer

The theme for today’s mono  Monday (thank you, PHL) is soft/hard. I thought whispering might qualify as soft.

“Speak softly but carry a big stick.”
-President Teddy Roosevelt

Today is President’s Day. I wish they didn’t glom all the presidents together because a bunch were horrible.

I loved it in school when we celebrated Lincoln’s birthday on  12 February and Washington’s birthday on 22 February. Anyone remember those black construction paper silhouette heads? Ahhh, the myths we learned.

This country - and much of the world - hides from history: the good, the bad and the ugly.  Over time, history as we know it evolves (there are some historians doing great work) but the basics don’t.

In other news…a Cooper’s hawk visited my yard this morning. Before it took off it whispered to me, “I’ll be bach.”  Best imitation I could do. Ha!

Have a good week.

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