Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


Or words to that effect...when the dog manages to sneak the reading glasses off the nightstand.  Oh well.  That is why I buy then in two-packs.  Plus, I think it made a cool image when I shot it in my little soft box.

Now, onto the TinyTuesday results!  As always, you made it hard to pick my favorites, but I've done my best.  Hearts to:
SK for a lovely spring still life
Marlieske for making me laugh
Ingeborg for a delicious, soft image of spring
Pleach because, well, what's more seasonal than a bee's bum?
SueJay50 for a lovely look at a delicate touch of spring

And HM's go to ...

60Plus for a really creative take on the theme
GEO2B because I just really like it
Isbi for an explosion of fall-like baubles
AnnieBelle for a perfect summery image
AH14inBW for the sheer artistry

Thanks to everyone who embraced the theme this week - it was so nice to see images of summer and spring.  Next week is "photographer's choice" and the tag will be #tt405.  Get up close, and have fun!

I think dark with almonds today.  And then I am taking the Boy for a walk so that he won't feel compelled to entertain himself in some other inappropriate way...


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