Sculpture at Burleigh Sands.

Up early again for the fencer who was delivering his bill.  We had a chat and I told him how pleased I was with the fencing.  Once he left I paid his bill by bank transfer and added a bit on.  He'd done some extras and had charged hardly anything for them. Lay around relaxing for the rest of the morning. It was so nice to have nobody around any more. Went off shopping about lunchtime.  I meant to eat a banana before I left but forgot.  Nearly forgot I'd hardly any petrol but the car reminded me so I filled up the tank at my usual garage then shopped in M&S. It was full of old women dithering in front of shelves oblivious to me trying to get at what I wanted.  There was another one in front of me at the till. I was being perfectly nice to them but feeing grumpy inside and couldn't understand why. After all I'm an old woman and dither too, just not in shops. After a bit realised I was in more pain than usual especially my back.  Went off to Loch Leven's Larder and bought two very pretty pieces of marzipan fruit as a treat for when Andy comes for coffee on Sunday. Also bought a Cook meal, wine and nibbles. my cure for all ills. As I went back to the car I met Marilyn, someone who worked for the library and  someone I hadn't seen for about 25 years.  She's been retired for about twelve years.  She has a lovely voice and singing is her hobby. We had a good chat then I went off to  Burleigh Sands for a photo. It was cold and dull and uninspiring but I liked the sculpture on some seating. Not sure what the insect is. Maybe a moth.  Eventually I got to Sainsbury's in Kinross, finished my shopping and came home to finally eat my banana and settle on the sofa with a heat pad.  I've walked too far, my back is killing me but my Cook meal is in the oven and I've got wine and nibbles so life isn't all bad.

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