Thank you for...

... these sunflower seeds! This is not the sharpest picture I took of this little fellow, but I think it is the cutest. So it gets blip honors, just based on the cuteness factor. He looks to me as if he is giving thanks for the sunflower seeds he discovered on the tree stump. You can see another, much sharper, picture of him here.

Please take another look at my photo for May 15th. I changed it this evening when I discovered I had captured a photo of a magnolia warbler that day. I can't find it on the BlipBigYear list, so it may be the first one. I know it is the first magnolia I have seen. I had to search my Sibley's guide for the ID. So that's a first for me! It is also the first time in five years of blipping that I have changed my photo. Record setting things happening here!

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