Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

My turn, Dad

This morning, I went to our usual walking festival committee where we almost finalised the October programme. One or two new walks need to be checked on foot but it's shaping up very well already. It's amazing how quickly the time to print the next programmes comes around.

Then to Julie's to watch the blackbirds in her garden. The nest is in a bit of foliage against a window and seems terrible exposed and unsafe to me. Fortunately the immediate neighbours do not have cats. Taking the photo proved quite a challenge. Even with a 400 mm lens I needed to be quite close. The adults did not want to come to feed with me there, despite my offerings of meal worms. I had to put my coat over my head and sit very still. Then I was rewarded by this sight. You will see how low the light was when you check the high ISO I had to use.

Then to the supermarket. Now home and time to give Arth a bit of exercise. It's all go.

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