Over the garden fence ...

Today’s photo was hastily taken this evening from indoors after it started to rain. It shows our back garden fence, with our Photinia ‘Red Robin’ and next door’s Clematis Armandii intertwining, with the wild rose (Keats’ beloved ‘pastoral eglantine’) in our garden arching over both.

It's been a day which was both satisfying and annoying in equal measure.The satisfying part of the day was getting the garage back to its proper use at long last. It’s clean, organised and tidy and is now housing my car, which is a minor miracle!

The annoying part of the day was dealing with some irritating computer issues, which caused my iMac photo library of well over 70,000 photos to refuse to upload anything to iCloud or allow me to edit any of the photos I took today. I spent a long time trying to firefight the problem and, after much tinkering, it would now appear that Photos is either indexing or syncing some 33,000 (nearly half of my photo library) back to iCloud! As long as everything works by the time it finishes, I shan’t mind, but it’s a bit of a pain. I’ve had to borrow Smithers’ laptop to download and edit this photo and then send it back to my iMac so I could Blip it.

Interesting Fact #2 – it would appear that the tooth fairy doesn’t make an appearance when presented with the tooth of an elderly lady.

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