Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Singing a Song

After I dropped Jax off at day care this morning, I took a drive over to a nearby fish hatchery/park.  Because it has open water all year, it has become a habitat for waterfowl in the winter and an assortment of other birds year round.  Today I saw over 20 species including at least 10 Song Sparrows, all living up to their names, singing mightily.  Although female song sparrows do sometimes sing to defend against other females, this is most likely a male.  Although they vary in size and color, this species is found throughout the United States, Canada and into Mexico and southern coastal Alaska.

I'd barely gotten home when it started to rain so I did a few things around the house and then decided to take a nap (bliss).  I'll be picking the boy up in another hour or so.  Not sure how much play time he will get today with the rain, but hopefully they've managed to run off some of his energy.

My Carbonite backup is still plugging along.  I'd forgotten how long it takes to back up external multi-TB drives!  I am guessing it will take another 5-7 days to finish.  But then it will just be a matter of updating, which is easy.  

I opted for dark with raspberries today.  And it was delicious.


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